Thank you for always being so amazing.
Lori. I really don't know how to say everything I want to say to you. You truly are one of the most amazing people I have ever spoken with. I hope one day that we can meet in person and have a long lasting friendship. You are a person who is always there to comfort me when I feel like nothing is going right. You treat me like a real person, not just another face in the crowd.
Most people I ever talk to seem really nice at first, but then within a week or two of knowing them, they turn into people I never thought they were. You haven't done that, and I hope that you don't. I started out a bit weary of you just because of a silly stereotype. I went with the impression of "oh. She's just a Cali girl. Nothing outside of California is going to matter to her." But you proved me wrong in the best way. You showed me how rediculous that stereotype is. You were the first person I talked to in California that was actually willing to take the time to get to know and care for someone from so far away. I also thank you for that.
I can't write all the things about you that are amazing, or I would be writing forever. The one thing that i do like more than anything about you is how much I can trust you. You are always so sweet and caring. I don't feel like i have to be afraid to talk to you about things I wouldn't talk about with most other people. I also dont worry about you betraying me. Even though you may be 1600 miles away, when I need to talk to someone I feel I can trust, it seems as if you are right there for me.
Thank you for always being the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
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